At the Lagoon Playgroup, we believe that children are capable and competent beings. We believe that multi layered, rich and complex environments support the children’s learning. Every space, indoors and outdoors is created with intention.
The studio is a place for imagination, creation, and collaboration. In our studio, children are offered a wide range of quality materials including clay, pastels, weaving materials, beadwork, and natural materials in addition to canvas and paint.
In our reading nook, children are offered an area to relax, look at or listen to books, retell stories with props, or create stories.
We understand and value the importance of children having time to connect with nature. Our outdoor classroom gives children the opportunity to interact with nature through sand, water, and gardening. Experiences are set up to encourage children to interact with each other, and make meaningful connections with the natural environment.
It has been shown in research that early experiences in play-based and child centered programs, improves children’s abilities to develop socially, intellectually and emotionally before they enter kindergarten. Our environment is one where children are free to make choices and explore the world around them.